Kevin Doherty is an independent filmmaker, playwright and writer from Winnipeg Manitoba.
Through the support and financial assistance of the Winnipeg Film Group, Manitoba Film and Sound and the National Film Board of Canada, he has written, produced and directed four short films: Toaster Toaster on the Wall (1998), I Come in Pieces (2000), Something for Santa (2002) and Green Screen (2009) (co-written and co-directed with Alan MacKenzie) as well as two feature length films Black Bridge '84: Year of the banger (2007) and Wild Turkeys (2008).
He has directed three stage plays. One that he wrote in collaboration with Alan MacKenzie called Lester Gets KISSed (2008) and The Green Room (2010) and Brain Cravers: The Curse of Extollo (2011) both co-written with Scott Cranwill.